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College Closure - Tuesday, March 4
Due to inclement weather, all credit classes will follow remote learning continuity plans. All non-credit classes and events are canceled. All OPE电子竞技官网 locations will close at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4.
Continue to monitor official OPE电子竞技官网 communication channels for any closure notices for March 5.
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What is 'Philosophy? (PHIL)'

Philosophy is one of the disciplines or areas included in the Humanities Department along with Speech (SPCH), Humanities (HUMS) and Music (MUSC). The courses offered in philosophy support the mission of the department and the division, especially the general education competencies of critical thinking as well as ethical and global awareness. Philosophy engages the broadest and most fundamental questions about the nature of human being, society, and the universe. Historically, all the physical sciences as well as the social sciences emerged out of philosophy; indeed, Einstein was as much a philosopher as he was a physicist. In our daily lives, however, we are all philosophers insofar as we have questions about who we are, what kind of society we want, and the ultimate meaning of our lives. Philosophy traditionally has included ethics, social and political philosophy, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, logic, epistemology and aesthetics.

Is it for you?

Philosophy is encouraged for all who are open minded, inquisitive and love a sense of exploration and shared dialogue. Philosophy as logic and critical thinking is an essential skill in many areas such as law, criminal justice, and computer programming and logistics. Almost all hospitals have ethicists on their ethical review boards; almost every profession has developed an ethical code of conduct. Globalization demands that we become more aware of ethical, cultural, political and religious diversity as the world continues to shrink. Philosophy also offers classes in religious studies that count for cultural diversity requirements for Business, Early Childhood Education and Nursing majors.

Program Faculty

Credit Classes and Registration